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for helping us so much. I really feel like [my student] had so many mountains to climb this year & I think StudyAmp's help has been the most valuable thing."
- Abbie Boxman,
Parent of a 7th grader
Thank you SO much...
in [my son's] promptness turning in assignments, etc! I don't think we could've wished for better progress! StudyAmp is truly amazing, and I've told at least 3 others about it!"
- Sarah Avink,
Parent of an 8th grader
There's a marked difference
with how things are going. We knew that we needed someone that
could provide guidance to help our daughter think through and come up with strategies for dealing with the inherent challenges associated with this transition [...] It’s been a very positive experience for each of us to have someone else to talk to, offer experienced advice, and help set up our daughter for success.”
- Ginnie Jutson,
Parent of a College Student
We are very pleased
with organization, motivation and concentration. Liz sought to understand the issues my son faced and tailored the way she worked with him. She was an advocate for him by involving us, his teachers and counselor to understand his struggles and how best we can help him. [...] Regardless of where your child is with their education, Liz will take the time to identify their weakness, work on their strengths, provide them new learning tools/skills, and advocate for their growth.”
-Steffany and Stephen Gaffagan, Parents of High School Students
My oldest son struggled
Liz has taught me in a way that is easy for me to understand, retain, and replicate. I have particularly enjoyed an atmosphere of mutual respect as I’ve worked with Liz, as well as her endless patience and tactfulness."
-Jenn Stevenson,
Academic Coach In-Training
An expert at her craft!
to help clients take control of their academic lives by learning the everyday skills of staying organized and developing good routines."
-Caroline Kline,
Academic Coach In-Training
StudyAmp teaches practical tools
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Coming soon to StudyAmp!
What Coaching is, and isn’t.
Let’s start the school year off smoothly by making sure your student has all of the information and items they need to begin coaching!
Sure, you’ve heard of “Executive Functions”, but what are they? Check out our free printable that lists several Executive Functions.